My Sweetheart

Kimi Wa Koibito 君 は 恋人

Director: Buichi Saito 斎藤武市
Released: November 3, 1967
Distributor: Nikkatsu
Screenplay: Motonari Wakai 若井基成

Meiko Kaji 梶芽衣子 (Masako Ota 太田雅子)
Mitsuo Hamada 浜田光夫
Shigeru Yumi 蕃ユミ
Masako Izumi 和泉雅子
Hideki Takahashi 高橋英樹
Ken Yamauchi 山内賢
Koji Wada 和田浩治
Sayuri Yoshinaga 吉永小百合
Jo Shishido 宍戸錠
Hideaki Nitani 二谷英明
Yujiro Ishihara 石原裕次郎
Akira Kobayashi 小林旭
Tetsuya Watari 渡哲也
Chieko Matsubara 松原智恵子
Tamio Kawaji 川地民夫
Ruriko Asaoka 浅丘ルリ子
Shoki Fukae 深江章喜


You can watch the first 6:33 of the film on YouTube. Meiko appears in a good portion of it.



It had been a year and four months since Mitsuo was last on a movie set. Welcomed back by director Ishizaki (Yujiro Ishihara) and his film crew, Mitsuo is excited to star as the lead in "My Sweetheart". One day, half way through production, he meets his friends from a popular rock group, "The Spiders".
Through their discussion regarding the climax scene, they criticize that the script is too grim. In a notion to protect their friend's career, they decide to pay the scriptwriter a little visit.

Thanks to for the synopsis.